Back workouts for women: 8 Best Back Exercises For Women

One of the upper body’s most significant muscles the back is often the most neglected. Your back is accountable for everything from good posture to connecting the hips, shoulders, and booty. Grab a set of dumbbells and do the best back workouts for women to define the back muscles and make them strong.

You should include back exercises in your weekly workout routine if you do the daily activities. Having a strong back gives you the power to perform everyday tasks with good performance while preventing injury.

8 Best Back Workouts For Women At Home

  1. Scapular Pushups
  2. Reverse Grip Back Row
  3. Wide Back Row
  4. Narrow Back Row
  5. Bodyweight Good Morning
  6. Bird Dog
  7. Dumbbell Good Morning
  8. Superman

Best back exercises for women in detail

1: Scapular Pushups

Scapular pushups

Scapular Pushups help to target the upper body. If you are a beginner or seasoned athlete, scapular pushups are the best option to warm up and fire up those back muscles.

How to do Scapular Pushups

  • Make a high plank position with your core and back engaged.
  • Lower your knees to the ground if needed.
  • Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together as you lower your body down.
  • Keep your arms straight and back to the plank position. 
  • While performing Scapular Pushups hold each rep for about 5 to six seconds.

2: Reverse Grip Back Row

reverse back row

Reverse Grip Back Row trains both the upper back and lower back, specifically the rhomboids and lats.

How to do a Reverse Grip Back Row with Dumbbells

  • Stand on both your feet and bend your knees slightly forward.
  • Hold a weight in each hand and place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Pull the weight back towards your hips, and squeeze your shoulder blades together.
  • Control the dumbbells back down to the starting position. 
  • Follow the above steps for more reps.

3: Wide Back Row

wide back row

Wide Back Row exercise targets the upper back muscles. It mainly targets three types of muscles:  Rhomboid, trapezoid, and deltoid.

How to do a Wide Back Row with Dumbbells

  • Stand on both your feet and bend your knees slightly forward.
  • Hold a weight in each hand and place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Pull your elbows wide towards the top, aiming for your elbows to line up with half of your chest. Squeeze your shoulder blades together.
  • Control the dumbbells back down to the starting position. 
  • Follow the previous steps for more reps.

4: Narrow Back Row

narrow back row

A narrow Back Row workout targets our body’s shoulders, back, and hips.

How to do a Narrow Back Row with Dumbbells

  • Stand on both your feet and bend your knees slightly forward.
  • Hold a set of dumbbells, palms facing in toward each other.
  • Pivot forward at the hips until your body is in a linear line; ensure your neck is in line with your spine, flat back, and abdomen button pulled back towards your spine. 
  • Pull the weights back towards your hips, raise your elbow towards the ceiling and squeeze the shoulder blades together.
  •  Control the dumbbells back down to the starting position

5: Bodyweight Good Morning

Bodyweight Good Morning workout targets muscle groups along the backside of your body, including your hamstrings, gluteus maximus, erector spine, and lower back muscles.

How to do bodyweight Good Morning

  • Stand on your feet under hips and arms bent, fingertips resting behind the head, elbows wide.
  • Without changing your body position, hinge at the hips and lower your chest towards the parallel to the mat.
  • Push through feet, squeeze glutes, and return to the start position
  • Follow the steps for more reps.

6: Bird Dog

Bird Dogs specially target the erector spinae, rectus abdominis, and glutes. This exercise helps to correct movement, control, and stability of the whole body.

How to do Bird Dog

  • Start on all four with wrists under your shoulders and bend your knees under your hips.
  • At the same time, extend the left arm and right led to a straight in the open space and make sure both are parallel to the mat.
  • Again at the same time, extend the right arm and left led to a straight in the open space and make sure both are parallel to the mat.
  • For more reps, follow the above steps

7: Dumbbell Good Morning

The Dumbbell Good Morning workout targets muscles like the hamstrings, gluteus maximus, and lower back muscles in your body.

How to do Dumbbell Good Morning

  • Stand on your feet under hips and arms bent, Hold a dumbbell in each hand resting on shoulder blades with elbows wide.
  • Maintain a gentle bent knee, engage your glutes, and pull your hips back as you lower your body weight towards the floor until it is the floor is parallel.
  • Control the dumbbells back down and return to the initial position
  • Follow the steps for more reps.

8: Superman Exercise

Superman exercise targets your lower back muscles, glutes, hamstrings, and abs of your body.

How to do Superman Exercise or Superman workout

  • Start Lying on the stomach with legs and arms extended on the mat, body aligned in one long line, and keep the forehead on the mat.
  • Try to squeeze your glutes, engage your abs, lift all four limbs, raise your chest, and head upward from the ground, keeping your neck neutral during this process.
  • Hold approx 4-5 seconds, then gradually lower back to the starting position. 
  • Follow the above steps for more reps.

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What are the benefits of back workouts for women?

  • Back workouts help to improve the core strength and posture of your body.
  • It helps to gain overall muscles in your back and boosts your metabolism.
  • Although it helps to make stronger and to avoid injury and back pain.
  • Improve the body’s bone density.

However, back workouts are essential for women because they improve posture and relieve lower back pain by making a solid back!

What are the best back exercises for women?

Women always want to train their backs. They need to focus on making themselves stronger. However, women are always confused about which exercise to do for their backs. So here are the best back exercises for women to follow: 

  • Lat pull-down
  • Seated cable row
  • Single Arm Back Rows
  • Reverse Grip Back Rows
  • Superman exercise
  • Arnold Press
  • Y-Press
  • Upright Rows
  • Over Hand Grip Bent-Over Barbells Rows

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About Rizwan Ansari

I, Rizwan Ansari, is a medical student with a passion for writing. As an enthusiastic content writer, I have written on various topics, including Health, Fitness, and Wellness. Writing is a powerful tool that inspires, educates, and makes people aware. I am always looking for opportunities to learn and grow as a writer and am committed to creating top-notch content that engages and informs readers.

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